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The Yiddish Theatre World of Interwar Berlin and Paris : lecture by Nick Underwood (in English, via Zoom)
17 mars 2024 🕑 20:00 - 21:30
English below
Le monde du théâtre yiddish dans le Berlin et le Paris de l’entre-deux-guerres
Conférence de Nick Underwood.
Dimanche 17 mars 2024, 20h00-21h30
Il fut un temps où le théâtre yiddish rayonnait dans le monde entier. Si Vilnius, Varsovie, New York, en étaient des hauts lieux, dans le Paris et Berlin de l’entre-deux-guerres, s’épanouirent nombre de courants d’avant-garde qui furent propices à la floraison de productions théâtrales yiddish aux mises en scène novatrices, voire révolutionnaires.
Nick Underwood explorera ce monde bouillonnant afin de mettre en lumière les contributions de ces villes au développement d’une riche culture théâtrale et d’un théâtre yiddish de grande qualité.
Professeur d’histoire et titulaire d’une chaire d’études judaïques au College of Idaho (États-Unis), Nick Underwood est l’auteur de Yiddish Paris: Staging Nation and Community in Interwar France (Indiana University Press, 2022). Il a également contribué à l’ouvrage Histoire juive de la France (Albin Michel, 2023).
En anglais, sur Zoom.
Tarif : 11 €. Adhérents : 6 €*.
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The Yiddish Theatre World of Interwar Berlin and Paris
Lecture by Nick Underwood (in English, via Zoom)
Sunday, March 17, 2024, 8:00 – 9:30 pm (Paris time)
The global phenomenon that was and is Yiddish theatre reached many corners of the global Yiddish map, and there have been historical standouts: Vilna, Warsaw, and New York. But what about Berlin and Paris, cities that played host to a wide variety, even revolutionary, of staged productions. Le Sacre du printemps, anyone? This talk will explore the exciting world that was interwar Yiddish theater in Berlin and Paris to highlight the contributions these cities made to the development of a truly global theatrical culture.
Nick Underwood is assistant professor of history and the Berger-Neilsen Chair of Judaic Studies at The College of Idaho. His book Yiddish Paris: Staging Nation and Community in Interwar France was published by Indiana University Press in 2022 and was named a National Jewish Book Award Finalist. His work has appeared in several journals and edited volumes, and, most recently, he contributed to the recently published Histoire Juive de la France (Albin Michel, 2023).
11 €. Members: 6 €
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